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St. Louis Blues

Too much booze and a nasty fist-fight got this 20-year-old mother

A one-way ticket to a psych ward

How we did it

A hard-working Grapevine chair in Missouri shares

How her state helped carry the message in a big way

How We Did It!

A hard-working Grapevine chair in Missouri shares how her state helped carry the message in a big way

Strangers in the night

One chilly, wet Friday evening in Independence, a lonely meeting chair learns the importance of making some coffee

St. Louis Blues

Too much booze and a nasty fistfight got this 20-year-old mother a one-way ticket to a psych ward

One block east of Wornall

A little meeting in Kansas City has been giving back since AA was six years old

Why We Do It

Service beyond the group ensures that AA will be here for the alcoholic not yet in the door


El proyecto "Lleve El Mensaje" se enfoca en obtener suscripciones de Grapevine y La Viña para alcohólicos necesitados. ¡No es necesario conocer al destinatario! Patrocine una suscripción para alguien tras las rejas, en un centro de tratamiento, hogar de ancianos o que esté confinado en su hogar.


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