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Edición de la revista




Sometimes the decisions we make have everything to do with drinking

Better Than a Pink Cloud

The one she had in early sobriety floated away, but now she has so much more

Desperate on New Year’s Eve

There he sat, all alone feeling sorry for himself ... would he drink? Or would he reach out?

Bad Boss

It took all the AA tools she had to face a most difficult problem at work

Mary on the go

She used to hate traveling, but now that she’s two years sober, she’s hitting the road

Highs & lows

A “low-bottom” member makes the case that all of our stories are powerful—and should all weigh the same

They Got To See the Best of Me

Because of technology, her wish to go back and help the women at her former prison was about to hit the big screen

Cocktails and a Side of Stress

Rattled by an office drinking event, she discovered the power of reaching out

No Pitchfork

A new member struggles with his religious past as he considers Step Two


El proyecto "Lleve El Mensaje" se enfoca en obtener suscripciones de Grapevine y La Viña para alcohólicos necesitados. ¡No es necesario conocer al destinatario! Patrocine una suscripción para alguien tras las rejas, en un centro de tratamiento, hogar de ancianos o que esté confinado en su hogar.


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