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Big shoes to fill

Her grandmother led her to Alcoholics Anonymous, but she followed her mom into the world of special workers

Bumpy decision

A sober doctor learns that finding just the right sponsor can be a contact sport

Broken promises

She always meant to take her son to the park, but her hangovers kept getting in the way

One scary guy

AA is full of surprises. An old-timer remembers the day he got a really big one

Letter from the Editor

Once we get sober in AA, we carry the message to other suffering alcoholics

AA News

2016 General Service Conference Highlights

Alcoholism At Large

The purpose of these pages is to offer information that may further readers’ understanding of the medical, legal and social aspects of alcoholism; the severity and international scope of the illness; and the worldwide efforts being made to combat it. Publication here does not imply endorsement or affiliation. AA does not conduct or participate in research, nor does it hold any opinion on research conducted by others.

Subscription Challange- How we did it.

A hard-working Grapevine chair in Missouri shares how
her state helped carry the message in a big way


El proyecto "Lleve El Mensaje" se enfoca en obtener suscripciones de Grapevine y La Viña para alcohólicos necesitados. ¡No es necesario conocer al destinatario! Patrocine una suscripción para alguien tras las rejas, en un centro de tratamiento, hogar de ancianos o que esté confinado en su hogar.


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